New Home Construction Loans Offering By Aavas Financiers Ltd
The great thing about the home construction loan boom in India has been that it’s finally following a concerted effort. The networks, the products and the services on offer have demonstrated a willingness on the part of the financial institutions to ensure that the benefits of the financial services permeate every dimension of a customers’ life.
Since most of the clientele in smaller towns and semi- urban areas, is new to the auspices of home loans, many of them might not even be aware of how to use the credit access properly, and how to organize their home purchase. But experts and a whole host of caring CRM professionals ensure that not only are customers hand-held through the entire process, but many auxiliary services can also be made available to them.
One of the most popular have been the provision of new home construction loans. They can avail of alongside a larger purchase loan, or as a distinct assistance. For most of the newly-minted home loan applicants in semi-urban India, it usually comes as a package. Since the property cost for them also includes developmental costs, this makes a whole lot of sense. Not only does it organize the disbursal schedule according to a longer term plan, but also helps distribute the repayment over an extendable period of time, depending on how the applicant is placed financially.
Also, provision of new home construction loans is, in an intangible way, a reassurance meted out to a populace which has never been very comfortable dealing with money lenders and which routinely categorizes blatant profit making enterprises as dishonest. For such people, such intimate involvement of what seems like a mega-corporation, their willingness to extend an ever-lengthening arm of assistance shows them that these companies aren’t ones to abandon a beneficiary by the wayside. It elevates their care and respect for the responsibility they have undertaken. That’s why there’s been a spike in collections observed over the past couple of years. People have shown that an affinity for the company can inspire more people to pay back their dues with diligence.
The other big sticking issue in rural India is the impermanence of many jobs. To support people through periods of unemployment is often the toughest litmus test for companies trying to set up shop and sell home loan products in a market as chaotic as this. It could mean a change in banking rules, like instantaneous verification and disbursal, taking advantage of the growth in technology.
What these financial institutions slowly making headway into the hinterland proves is that there is a huge market waiting to be explored, provided enterprises can have the business nous to sidestep the regulatory holes that are a holdover from a past when the financial infrastructure was threadbare. Now, the onus is on the service providers to in a way provide a template, a model for the regulators to analyse and standardise.
Fortunately, the technology will only get better, so the processes will keep getting faster and more efficient. The only question for financial institutions, willing to control risk while continuing the great expansion, is to ascertain how they can keep adding value, as first time homeowners scale up their needs and ambitions and with it, grows their financial needs and demands. For more details please log on to